
Originally from Baltimore, MD, with stops along the way in Los Angeles and Austin, TX, M.J. has been writing and performing music for more than four decades. After several years as a go-to composer for esteemed software developers in the music industry, he decided to pursue a career in Production Music. “I have been a huge fan of television and film music my entire life. The thought had been in the back of my mind for several years before I decided to take the plunge into production music full-time.” M.J. now spends most of his time composing in the studio, aka Aloft Productions, located in San Antonio, TX. “I have invested significantly in my studio and continuously refreshing my sonic palette to stay on the cutting edge of contemporary scores. I find nothing more fascinating musically than exploring the possibilities of new horizons in music production.”

Recent TV Placements

“Answer the Bell” featured on The NFL Today on CBS and NCAA Football

CBS Sports NCAA College Football

The NFL Today On CBS

For the love of the song…

Prior to dedicating his talents to crafting production music, M.J. was recognized as both a lyricist and multi-instrumentalist. His songwriting “chops” helped form his approach to production music. “Don’t bore us, get to the chorus is songwriting 101. I feel that an effective cue should take the same approach.”

Featured In

Listen up.

Here you’ll find a playlist with a sampling of production cues across several styles and genres. “From Trailers to Sports, Tension, Ominous, or Ambient cues, I strive to find a unique voice and palette.” So go ahead and give it a spin.

You can click the Disco link below if you want to take a deeper dive or request a genre-specific playlist.

We are excited to meet you and discuss your needs and opportunities.

Client Testimonials

  • “I've been working with M.J. for several years. Not only does he always deliver on time, but he also manages to get to the heart of what the project is about, and find a way to present it perfectly - Tom Wolfe

  • “M.J. is a fantastic composer. He has created many killer demos for my company. I wholeheartedly recommend him for any project that requires amazing music." - Ritchie Nieto

  • "Michael's skills as a composer have been invaluable in helping me market me sound sets. His tracks are always full of vibrancy, dynamism, and atmosphere. A deeply talented man." - Matt Bowdler

  • “I always know I can trust M.J. Sinay to come up with something that will hit the mark and is purely unique. He has an uncanny ability to match a certain mood with the perfect sounds." - Stephan Baer

Contact us.

(830) 279-5451

8211 Deer Creek Run

San Antonio, TX 78254